Last part of the definitions in the Book of Golf Rules of Golf.
After finishing the chapter on definitions, the rule book goes directly to address specifically the rules of golf, or specific situations of the game.
In this way appears the importance and necessity of this chapter for definitions of the rules to remove any doubt about the treaty on the rules of golf, if you are unsure about any definition of concepts, this chapter is your answer. Was surprised that a lot in golf, this rule, it makes golf more fun, there is already a game mode. And golf is to play 100% according to that mode of play. Bring a book of rules in the bag, is a recommendation for all golfers, get a copy of the starter with his club or the driving range to attend. Complies with the rules of golf, meet and ask them.
To complete the "Definitions" say the Rules of Golf:
Preparing the Coup (Addressing the Ball)
A player has "prepared the blow" when he has taken his stance and has also supported the stick in the ground, except in a hazard where a player has produced when the coup has taken his stance.
Nearest Point of Relief (Nearest Point of Relief)
The "nearest point of relief" is the reference point to obtain relief without penalty from interference by an immovable obstruction (Rule 24-2), an abnormal ground condition (Rule 25-1) or a wrong putting green (Rule 25-3).
It is the point on the court nearest to where the ball lies:
a) is not nearer the hole, and
b) where, if the ball was well located, there interference by the condition from which relief is sought for the stroke the player would run from the original position, if the condition had not existed.
Note: To accurately determine the nearest point of relief, the player should use the stick with which he had executed his next stroke if the condition were not here, simulating the position of preparing the coup, the direction of play and swing for such stroke.
Putting Green
The "putting green" is all about the hole in the ground game specially prepared to play putt or, if not, which the Committee had defined. A ball is on the putting green when any part of it touches.
Wrong Putting Green (Wrong Putting Green)
A "wrong putting green" is any putting green other than the hole in the game.
Includes a practice putting green or pitching green on the court, unless the Committee has provided otherwise.
R & A
The R & A "means R & A Rules Limited. Royal and Ancient.
Rule or Rules (Rule or Rules)
The term "Rule" includes:
a. The Rules of Golf and interpretations of them make decisions on the Rules of Golf;
b. Any Conditions of Competition established by the Committee under Rule 33-1 and Appendix I;
c. Any Local Rules established by the Committee under Rule 33-8a and Appendix I, and
d. The specifications on clubs and the ball in Appendices II and III and interpretations of them are in "A Guide to the Rules on Clubs and
Balls. "
Site Departure (teeing ground)
The exit site is the place to start the game from every hole. It is a rectangular area over the bottom two clubs, whose front and sides are defined by the outer boundaries of both brands. A ball is outside the output when all of it lies outside the exit.
Taking the "stance" consists in a player placing his feet in position preparatory to execute a coup.
A "tee" is a device designed to elevate the ball above the floor. Should not exceed 101.6 mm. (4 inches) long and must not be designed or manufactured in a manner that indicates the line of play or influence the movement of the ball.
Land for Repairs (Ground Under Repair)
"Land under repair" is any part of the stadium and for the disposal of the Committee marked or declared as such by his authorized representative. All ground and any grass, shrub, tree or other growing thing within the ground under repair is part of it. It includes material piled for removal and wells made by those responsible for stadium, although not marked as such. Grass cutting and other materials left on the field who do not have to be removed are not ground under repair unless there are well marked.
When the margin of ground under repair is defined by stakes, they are in the ground under repair and that margin is defined by the outer points of the stakes closer to ground level. When it is defined by lines and stakes, the stakes identify the ground under repair and the lines define the margin. When the margin of a ground under repair is defined by a line on the ground, the line itself is in the ground under repair. The margin of ground under repair extends vertically downwards but not upwards.
A ball is in ground under repair when it lies in or any part of it touches.
Stakes used to define or identify the margin in a field repair are obstructions.
Note: The Committee may make a Local Rule prohibiting play from ground under repair or an environmentally sensitive area which has been defined as ground under repair.
Stipulated round (Round stipulated)
The "stipulated round" consists of playing the holes of the court in its sequence, except that the committee authorized to do otherwise. The number of holes in a stipulated round is 18, except that the Committee authorize a smaller number. Regarding the extension of a stipulated round in match play, see Rule 2-3.
This concludes the "Definitions in the Rules of Golf." I hope that your reading has helped to improve their knowledge of the Rules. If from now on need to know a particular definition, directly into the search bar "Search" on the right of this page. Remember, always carry a copy of the Rules of Golf Golf Bag, and encourages other players to take one.